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How do I allow access to selected attendees?

Attendees can register to the event through ticketing or be added manually but as an event organizer you can have control on the access of the attendees. Here is how you can control the access.

  • Go to User Management >> Users >> Add User / Edit User. Here, you will find a field - users status. The statuses are as follows:

    Confirmed : These type of users are directly added to the event. For these users Send Welcome Email button & Allow App Access can be done.

    Waitlist: These type of users are not directly added to the event.They stay on a waitlist and can be confirmed later.For these users, you can Send Welcome Email but the Allow App Access remains disabled. Waitlisted users will not be able to access the app.

    Inactive: These type of users are considered to be not attending the event at all. For these users Send Welcome Email and Allow App Access options, both remain disabled. Inactive users will not be able to access the app.

    Note: You can change the status of the attendees anytime required.

![enter image description here](../../static/img/allowaccesstoselectedattendees/userstaus.png)
  • Save the changes after updating the status of the user to restrict the access as desired.